D.R. Congo Visa

You are a Tourist traveling to Democratic Republic of the Congo. Above all, you will find on this page all necessary information about DRCongo Visa requirements forTravellers. We strongly advise you to choose one the following options:

  • First, you have to identify if there is a diplomatic mission of D.R. of the Congo in your home country. If not, look to neighboring countries that hosts one. If there is one, please go there and ask for all necessary information you will need for a successful application. They may require you an invitation letter which we will provide you, assuming that you confirms your booking with us.


  • Then, if you can not find a D.R. Congo diplomatic mission around you and still  planning for a trip to Goma or Bukavu for either Gorilla and Nyiragongo trekking, or one of our activities, here is an easy way to apply for a visa. You can book for one activity provided by Virunga National Park which are included in ours offers. Beyond, this Visa can be extended if you wish to stay more than two weeks and visit other provinces of D.R. of the Congo. However, this is after reaching Goma or Bukavu.


  • Further, for expatriate from countries where DRC does not have a diplomatic mission, the Direction General de Migration offers a possibility of obtaining a flying visa. It is  in French a “visant volant”. Therefore, a Flying Visa is an authorization from the Director General manager to an expatriate coming from a country where the DRC does not have a diplomatic or consular representation. Thus, this authorization makes it possible to go from a visa to an airport or a port to access the Congolese territory. Moreover, it is also granted to guests of the Congolese government. Conditions for obtaining a flying visa: (1) Letter of request sent by the applicant to the Director General of the Directorate-General for Migration. (2) Photocopy of the applicant’s passport. (3)Photocopy of the identity of the lessee, if he is Congolese or passport, if he is a foreigner.

Read about what tourists say about our visa facilitation on TripAdvisor

  • Besides, there is a Travel Visa: You can get it from the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the DRC abroad. This gives the beneficiary the possibility to cross the border if it fulfills three conditions. (1) Hold a valid passport. (2) Have sufficient means of subsistence. and (3) Have a legal or physical person regularly established in the DRC to take you in charge.

NB: The Travel Visa does not authorize the exercise of a remunerated activity in the DRC. The validity of this visa is 6 months maximum. This visa may be extended by the DGM for a period of one, 2 or 3 months to total the six months.

To summarize, the official cost of the visa is 100 USD (Form 50 USD and for the Travel Visa 50 USD).

Finally, Should you need further details about DRCongo Visa requirements forTravellers, mainly about invitation letter, please contact us.

Note: To travel to Democratic Republic of the Congo a Visa is a MUST and you’re not advised to present on border without it (or alternatively a letter allowing you to have it upon arrival).

Tourists visa requirements: Please visit the DGM official Website