Lubumbashi and Katanga 8-Day Tour

Lubumbashi and Katanga 8-Day Tour

Explore the rich mineral province, Katanga

Primarily, what makes the trip to Katanga more interesting is the unique environment that can not be compared to any other part of the Congo. First, compared to other provinces,  its is more easy to travel inside using road as well as air transports where necessary. This allows to save time even when visiting extremely remote areas, though at some points roads may remain a challenge. Secondly, Katanga was colonially developed as a mineral province. This offers opportunity to visit and experience local mine activities. Besides, the province offers two important parks, Kundelungu and Upemba  with a number of attractions. They include, but not limited to, rivers and falls, cave, and breathtaking views. Third, Katanga has an imposing history of culture and customs, an experience that fully immerses travelers into Gareganze Kingdom time and King Msiri (to discover during the short break in Bunkeya).

Further, outside of the colonial and stunning architectures, abandoned or still in use, this experience takes travelers to historical sites such the place of assassination of the Hero Lumumba, a year after claiming and obtaining Congo Independence. In this context, Congo Local Guides, with its unmatched experience, provides you with an unforgettable and spectacular 8-day trip to explore the rich mineral Katanga  as per the following itinerary.

8 Days Lubumbashi, Kyubo Falls, Kundelungu & Upemba Parks Itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival and Hotel Check-in in Lubumbashi. International flights often arrives in the afternoon

Day 2: Lubumbashi City Tour and Visit of Hero Lumumba assassination site, (video)

Day 3: Official visit of a mine, Overnight and Experiences at Kyubo Falls Lodge (video)

Day 4: Complete the rest of activities on the site and Departure for Upemba National Park

Day 5: Upemba park visit of selected activities

Day 6:  Drive Back to Lubumbashi

Day 7: Kundelungu National Park visit

Day 8: End of the tour and transfer to the airport

Day 1,Arrival and Hotel Check-in in Lubumbashi

As international flights always lend in the Afternoon, you will be picked up and transferred to the hotel to rest and briefing the next day city tour. We will have to agree on the transport : Private taxi or Public. A short walk may be offered depending on the flight arrival time.

Day 2,Lubumbashi Tour & Lumumba Assassination Site

Lubumbashi, which used to be the capital city of the mineral rich Katanga Province and the actual capital of only Haut-Katanga Province, is the first economic hub. It is also very diverse with ease of transport and a rare place to explore the imposing colonial architectures. You will be picked from the hotel in the Morning after breakfast. The tour will start with visiting: Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral; National Museum of Lubumbashi; Lubumbashi Zoological Garden; The Kasombo Prison (1900s), the first in Lubumbashi and where the church leader Kimbangu was imprisoned; Old and colonial architectures; Souvenir shops. After a lunch to a local restaurant, we are going to visit the Hero Lumumba Assassination Site. For a brief remind, Lumumba is the first Congo National Hero who was actively involved in Congo Independence before being murdered for political reason on 17 Jan 1961. The plane that brought him from Kinshasa to Lubumbashi was relocate on this site. Activities will take approximately take 7 hours, and late in the afternoon, like 4.00 pm, you will be dropped off to the hotel.

Day 3,Likasi and Kyubo Falls

After breakfast in the morning, you will be picked with a 4WD vehicle, destination Kyubo Falls. The drive will be long and may approximately take six to seven hours including our three stops. The first will be an official visit to a mine (to be determined prior the start of the tour) and then short break in Likasi for lunch and a look to the city before heading to Bunkeya to visit the King Msiri grave (1830 - 1891). He founded and ruled the Yeke kingdom (also called Garanganze or Garenganze kingdom) in south-eastern Katanga (today in the Democratic Republic of Congo) from around 1856 to 1891. He was a mercant involved in copper, ivory and slave trade controlled by the Sultan of Zanzibar. From here we will directly head to kyubo for falls for the first part of activities and overnight.

Day 4,Kyubo Falls and Upemba National Park

Today we are completing the rest of activities on the site and at 11.00am we departure for Upemba national park. Activities in Kyubo Includes: A walk along the trails that line the river; ATV all terrain; Kiwakishi cave tour (35km); BBQ evening at the camp; Visit their own electric turbine; Fishing: Tiger Fish, Captain, etc.; Canoe-Calm or tumultuous waters; Bird Watching; Rafting in the rapids; Pedal Boats; Swimming under the small falls; Speedboat cruises on the river; Visit of the surrounding village and its market. It may take us up to 5 hours to Lubudi and be transferred to the Park the next day morning. This evening we will meet with a family from the minority tribe of Bayeke (Descendant of the King Msiri) to learn about their history, tradition, and custom.

Day 5,Upemba National Park

The park offers a beautiful diversity of biogeographical environments conducive to a typical and varied fauna. The zebra, the roan antelope, the Cape elk, the hartebeest, the great kudu ... are found in the sector of the high plateaus, while the savannas would still shelter one or the other herd of elephants, buffaloes and antelopes. The swamps host several species of aquatic birds, among the many Palearctic migrants, as well as hippos and crocodiles. The park has numerous falls, the important being Kayo, Ipera, Kwanza, Munte, Dikolongo, and Kalule. But also, many caves, including Tumba and Kiantapo. Activities to do will be selected on your convenience. We are going to overnight in the Park and Return to Lubumbashi the next day morning.

Day 6,Drive Back to Lubumbashi

This will practically take us the whole day. Overnight in Lubumbashi

Day 7,Kundelungu National Park visit

From the Hotel and with our Lunch and snacks packed, we will take a 4x4 vehicle to the park. Located on North-East of Lubumbashi on a tray its name come from, Kundelungu National Park is one of eight national parks and one of the two located in Katanga together with Upemba National Park. What to see includes : • Lofoi Falls: the highest in Africa (384m in one jet). The site also comprises other majestic falls where two more emblematic are Masansa and Lutshipuka falls where it is possible to shower. • Park visit with a 4WD: Presumed existing wildlife are: antelopes, jackals, servals, porcupines, warthogs, snakes, monkeys, buffaloes, hippopotamuses, crocodiles, lions, guepards, leopards, zebras. we can overnight in a house at Kitwé Station or Camp into the park over the falls and enjoy the beauty of sunrise and sunset: material and armed guards provided. It’s advised to bring food; water and drinks (if we overnight, we carry for the driver and guards), sleeping bag, torch, tips, etc. Dinner and last overnight in Lubumbashi.

Day 8,End of Service

As per booking you will be transferred whether to the airport or to the border, in case you want to exit through Zambia. Or alternatively, start a new itinerary.

Christian Namegabe
Christian Namegabe

He is the most prominent guide in the region and grew up in Goma. With a rich experience of more than 5 years, he has guided several satisfied tourists from all over the world.

Why you choose this tour !

Explore the forgotten sites of Katanga
Discover the capital city of the mineral rich province: Lubumbashi
Meet with Congo History: Hero Lumumba Assassination site
Explorer the major national parks of Katanga
Discover the African largest fall
Get to know Congo people out of the main cities
An extreme road adventure
All in 7 days and cost effective
Duration : 8 Days
Person : 1
Price : 0 $
Location : Lubumbashi - Haut-Katanga ; Democratic Republic of the Congo